Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Thanksgiving Update!!!

I apologize for the length of time between updates. Things are going great in Hungary. Thanksgiving Day was harder for me because the Hungarians don't celebrate American Thanksgiving for obvious reasons and I missed my family. I did however, make up for it by celebrating in Miskolc, a nearby village, on Saturday. I along with others went to an orphanage and celebrated with about fifty children and fifty adults from the community, most of which are unbelievers. The celebration was Texas themed so we played Cowboys and Indians after creating our own head pieces. Morning Star, another nonprofit organization, brought lasso's and a parachute for the children, and we had line dancing. We provided thanksgiving dinner and a worship service, as well as, a time for testimonies of thanks. God has opened many doors at this orphanage and we have been able to share with them the love of Christ.

God has also opened doors for AP, my partner, and me in reaching university students. She and I were prayer walking the campus one day, pleading with God to reveal opportunities for us to share, when we stumbled upon a volleyball tournament. We were able to play with one of the teams that day and were invited to participate in a weekly game each Monday night. Through this we have been establish new connections and start relationships with students we probably would not have otherwise. We have been planning a volleyball tournament for December fourth that will include this team and three others. During this tournament a Hungarian national will be sharing her testimony. Pray that God would give her the Words that will impact those listening and pray that doors will be opened to share His Word with those present.

Another ministry that I have had the chance to be a part of is a "Four Senses Theater". This is a play that walks a blindfolded person through his or her life using only the four senses of touching, smelling, tasting, and hearing. God's presence is evident throughout the drama. Last Wednesday was our first week performing it and we had to extend our time by an hour and a half later than expected and still had to turn people away. God's presences was made evident in those who were exiting the play in tears. God has already started changing lives through this ministry. We will be performing the play every Wednesday now. Last week the play was performed in Hungarian from six to eight. This week we will do the same and add two hours of the play in English from four to six., pray each week that His kingdom will continue to be impacted through this ministry.

I know I missed a lot of time and I apologize for that again, but God is moving and the prayers are being heard! Thank you so much for your love and support.