Sunday, September 27, 2009

Life in Hungary

I barely made my flight from Frankfurt to Budapest due to a flock of birds on the runway that delayed the landing of my plane. But the Lord was faithful and I made it. I was greeted at the Budapest airport with hugs and smiles from the entire Eastern Hungary team. It was such a blessing to finally meet them all in person. We spent the day in Budapest running errands everywhere giving me the opportunity to see much of the city. I was extremely tired so they graciously let me sleep during the three hour car ride to Debrecen. That, I was extremely thankful for because I could barely hold my eyes open.
Yesterday I was able to catch up on my sleep and unpack. Holly showed me around town and we were able to eat goulash for lunch. The Miller's, my team leaders, cooked dinner for me last night and we had a nice time visiting and getting to know one another. Today the Miller's and myself woke up early to drive to a small town about 30 minutes away to distribute Bibles. I unfortunately had very little interaction with the Hungarian's because I do not know the language yet, but Carolyn was able to share the gospel on two seperate occasions and several others gladly recieved the Bibles with the intention of answering followup questions that we handed out with the Bibles.

Prayer Request:
  • Please pray for those who we made contact with today. Pray that they will be faithful to read the Bible's we gave out and that God will use the Bibles to touch the lives of the Hungarian people.
  • A team from Arkansas is coming in this week so pray that they have a safe arrival and that their time here will glorify the king.
  • As I previously mentioned, I begin language training in two weeks so I need prayer that I will be able to manage until then with the little that I do know and also that I will quickly begin learning the language once my tutoring does start.
  • A team member of mine is out of town for the majority of the month of October. I am going to be fillling in for her, coaching a Hungarian, highschool volleyball team. Holly will be joining me to translate and help out. Pray that God will give me the confidence and wisdom I need to lead these practices. The first one is on Tuesday.


  1. I was thinking about you yesterday. Glad you made it safely. Good luck with language school and volleyball practice. I'm sure you'll do great!


  2. Stacia,

    Welcome to Hungary. We have been remembering you during your journey and will continue to in these exciting first days. Hungarian is easy, so you can be our translator, when Elise and I visit out there. Welcome, again!

    Trey and Elise Atkins
